Saturday, February 7, 2009


Yesterday Carmen and I spent 2-8pm in PS. Seriously it's a record-breaker for me. Especially since we were only in 2 shops the whole afternoon but at least we got the stuffs and i really think they're pretty. Can't wait to start......... doing. Hahaha. Then youth service at night. Went with Erika Yong Ah LIAO (???) and only reached in time for the message! Damn late. Supposed to head to Arab Street to find Elaine Sean and the rest after that but it was pretty late already so i decided to give it a miss........ At least i'm meeting Elaine next sunday... To Chinatown. HAHAH. Hopefully i'll get to see the clique again soon !


Oya this is Denzel by the way. See he's grown so big already! Grow big and chikopek already. Cos he only knows how to lick and smell butts. Mel went to fart into him, but he continued sniffing all the same. Hahahah.

K friends please do me a favour and click whatever ads you see okay. Thank you thank you ^^

Uh got to prepare to go zhixuan's house already! Then my mum's having a gathering later downstairs! My cousins are coming but stupid Mel PS cos she got dance competition tmr arggghhhhhh hopefully Denzel can go down too. Hehe.

I think i've changed.


erikaa said...
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Anonymous said...

lol your hair really looks like mine. except i got more hair than you!!!

Josheen said...

EH. Hahah. I want my fringe to faster growwwww.