Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Long long ago when i still had my fringeeee. Hehe. I'm very sure we took tons and tons of photos but this girl delete delete until left 7 photos. She best. Hahaha. But we'll be meeting again soon yay!


And this was on Saturday night when my mum invited Brother & Sister Dabbs along with my cousins and Mel's family and Aunty Betsy to my house for dinner !!

Everyone was really in love with the babyyyyyy.



We put him on my bed & then we didn't know how to carry him up..... Lol must call my mother in to help.


And this is what ShengMao discovered. HAHAHAH LOOK ALIKE RIGHT. !!

Played Sequence as usual and then our 3 families sat down and had quite a nice long talk. I think the older we grow the better we communicate with each other. I enjoy such family conversations ^^

K i think i should be going Mediacorp to work. If not i'll go Cnet to work! I decided to forgo the airport job already, so see who grabs me first hahahaha. Cnet pays much higher but Mediacorp has flexi hours...... Aiya see how lah as long as I have Liverpool's motto, "You'll never walk alone"! I'm trying to say at least i wont be working alone...... But nevermind.

Someone forbids me from doing online shopping and insists on doing it for me. Listen to you !! HAHAHA.

1 comment:

weiwei said...

muhahaha! YEA! You'll never walk alone! so come and join the liverpool fans! ^^