Thursday, February 12, 2009




Yesterday when Mel came over alike & our futile attempts to look alike... Er she was trying to make her hair bang-y too and look like me otherwise i'll have to tag along with her to book into the chalet she so romantically booked for her & her boyfriend to celebrate Vday since it's under my name !! HAHAHA.

Me: Look alike meh
Mel: Look alike la !!
Me: Cannot la, i cute you pretty.
Mel: Omg Jo i love you you say i pretty!!

Haha............... You can ignore that that's how we are infront of each other laugh my ass out. Basket. B+CFFFFFF k hehehe.

& today she woke me up at 12pm (i slept at 4plus) and made me go to TM with her for 10 freaking minutes. Hahaha. Luckily her friend was there to fetch me home. The ups of having a car, which reminds me that BTT is very soon & i'm still worried over the fact i dont have much common sense. Dont need to say, everyone seconds that. Basket. ))))))))))))):

Waited for the aircon man to come for 3 whole hours.............. & it dragged and dragged till i couldn't make it to meet Elaine on time. Sorry babe i'll be seeing you on Sunday! :D

Anyway anyway anyway.


1st collection's coming up soon !!!

Thanks to Mel. Haha haha. & Stephanie Lo disappeared so i dont know how/when it's going to be up. But still.............. Please support !! I'll love you. Hehe.

K so i suppose everyone's gona have a nice Valentine's Day. Mine will nicely be spent at Suntec for the stupid whatever NTU talk. And then Zhixuan wants to go Night Safari at night (?!?!?!) LOL so funny, but nevermind since i'm date-less anyway !

Army sucks. One person lose stuff everyone must tio punishment for 2 hours ++++++++++++ so lame please. I shan't say anymore since they're helping us protect the country.! Peace (:

Going to watch the next episode of 律政新人王2 now! Sammuel Chan :D :D

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