Saturday, April 12, 2008


Bazaar today (: Finally, the long awaited day (: Brekky at Cy's hs in the mrng. When we wanted to leave, it was pouringgggg. In the end we only reached like, quite late ): The feeling of stepping into CCH again was like, super good you know (: (: And it was good seeing so many old faces, esp the ballers ! But the time spent with them was like, so short cos of some reasons not worth mentioning. The thought of it makes my blood boil. In the end, I didn't even get to spend my 28bucks of coupon at all and we didn't manage to go haunted hs and I didn't get to play toulanji eitherrrrr. Only consolation was seeing the P and Chua Chor Loon get dunked ha ha ha. A bit funny :/

I was watching Cy play PSP, some fighting game with all the old china dudes inside.
Me: Zhang Fei is good or bad?
Cy: Good la.
Me: Then Zhang * leh? (I cant rmb the name!)
Cy: Good la. I using him leh.
Me: Ohh. Then wht about Zhang Han?
Cy:... ....

HAHA. I dont know how that came but it just did. Hello Zhang Han you'll be reading this soon hahahahahaha. I think it's quite funny.



Then halfway Ruiwen started his nonsense again. He wanted to challenge us to toulanji. Sorry la, Jenna and Jingfeng like thrashed him. HAHAH. Now he owes us all a kbox treat. Thank you ah :D


Came home early while the rest continued playing toulanjiiiiiiii ): Damn sad please. But I did P&C tutorial heh, satisfaction level a bit higher now.

And PW results were crap luh.
I hate PW, I hate my result.


Goodnight. I hope tmr will be good (:

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