Tuesday, June 23, 2009

When day breaks

I sprained my ankle during badminton today ):

Dont even mention it. The whole scene was so lame !! All i know was i heard a crack sound, and minli said she saw my foot landing sideways. Ah basically i jumped and didn't land properly lah. "Aviva la Aviva" Quoting waiying. LOL.

Now my ankle is swollen like a ball. How ???

This is pretty frustrating cos i have my FASS camp coming up on Sat and i'm pretty sure there's gona be alot of movement and running. On the other hand it could be a good thing cos i can say my ankle's pain and choose to sit out if i dont like any activity. I think i shld visit the sinseh soon because i'm having more and more trouble walking.

Dim sum buffet tmr with the girls !! ;D

[/edit] i can hardly walk >>>>>>:

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