Thursday, June 18, 2009

A pact with God

I'm back from LTD ! Ah this year's LTD was really a blast. I just thought of writing down a few feelings while the whole camp is still fresh in my head. I mean, this camp has definitely impacted me alot :D

To cut things short, this camp basically allowed me to once again priortize the things in my life. Like i shared in the sharing session today, before LTD, my mind was totally not right. It wasn't only about Aviva, like after all the powerpacked actions from the courts it's hard to immediately wash those images away and focus on God i admit, but it was more off a constantly deteoriating relationship with God. I'm not afraid to admit all these now, because afterall they were all in the past. There were many times i wanted to run away and just hide, there were many times i honestly doubted God. I was nothing more than a second chair person. I really didn't know what to expect from LTD, especially since i couldn't find the courage to draw myself away from the world.

And even during the camp, i was struggling to make a new pact with God that i'll stay true to him in the following days ahead. It was like i'd rather one leg step two boats than just promise God that i wanted to follow just Him and Him alone. This problem continued all the way to the third day. But it was this third and final day that i felt God speaking to me, asking me things which i already knew the answer in my heart and i couldn't help but make a new pact with God. Yessss actually i've already made many pacts with God haha but somehow this felt different. How i felt right then at that very moment was just undescribable, honestly.

Now that we're back in our old lives, temptations are definitely bound to be in our way. There'll be many things out to drag us down in our walk with God. There was no spiritual high for me this year as last year, and for many others too, but somehow the word just sunk deeper into my head this year. I know i can do it, just like any other rocker can (:

Accountability partners !!!!!! Thank you first ah. I love youuuuuuuu !!!!!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDD

Anyway we watched passion & the Helen Keller documentary too. Passion was bad man, bad as in i couldn't stop crying ): Think how Jesus died on the cross for us. He chose to bear all the pain and all our sin on calvary. Is he not worthy of our love and time ? Come on we all know the answer very well.

I just wanted to jot down these few memorable points for myself, so that when i read this post again in the future, i can be reminded once again of how God has not forsaken me. He could have just thrown me aside and forgot about me since i wasn't very fervent about his word either. But no, he chose to forgive me and bring me back to Him.

And each and every single message spoken during this camp impacted me. EH EH AND I DIDN'T SLEEP AT ALL, NOT A SINGLE TIME. The first .! Hee. And this year we had 3-5 messages spoken to us each day !! Minor breakthrough k hahaha.

Shall keep this post plain and simple, this post is purely meant to be about God and how much i benefited from this camp (: The rest, later ! Bible soon !

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