Wednesday, March 25, 2009



Sean: If the background is dark i'll know what you are doing ...

OKAYYYY these are long long long overdue pictures. Dated 5th March. Hahah. Anyway Sean or Elaine whoever if you're reading this... Can we have steamboat before Sean goes army ! Hehe. I have terrible cravings for steamboat these days plus we haven't ate steamz together before ! :D

Met up with Elaine Low today at AMK for a nice long talkkkk plus arcade (hais nebo) & she was late for 20mins when she lives in khatib and me in tampines ?!??! Where's the logic friend. Pictures up soon !

To me, like i've been saying, happy mindset. There's no such thing as a bad situation. It's only how you want to view it, & how you choose to see it. This is only the 2nd day, & i still ask myself why i can't get more emotional about it. It's not that i feel indifferent, but it's more of the other factors that make me feel have slightly made up for it. Of course it wont be the best, but it's better than nothing. Sometimes things like these make me want to thank God cos i feel very blessed (:

Someone just told me he felt very successful in life because of his grades and posting. I dont have a stable job nor do i have stellar grades, and i'm always fretting over not having enough money, yet i feel good and successful too. Maybe it's not beacuse of what you've achieved in life, but because you have God, & what he has done for you & that inner peace and joy he has given to you. (:

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