Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Went for the LG promoter job interview ytd with Sam! The interview was screwed like any other interview i've been to, just that the interviewer was very nice and friendly.

"How would you describe yourself?"
"Er... I dont know leh"
"How do your friends usually describe you?"
"Cheerful, happy, friendly?"
"No bad points?"
"Eh.... Can't think of any"

"I see you're a very soft-spoken person"
"Yea... pretty much"
"So how would you communicate with strangers?"
"Can la i think (gives stupid smile)"
"So when you sold your starhub products last time did you have any confidence"
"Not really"

SCREWED RIGHT. But i had to be honest !! But hey hey, today at noon, "Hello you've been selected for a second interview. Will you be able to come down tomorrow?" So Sam & i concluded they were really in need of people. But i had to turn it down anyway cos it was mostly a weekend job and i'm not going to sacrifice my precious weekends to....... Work. Haha.

And today i had BTT, & i passed thank God! I almost couldn't sit for the test cos i forgot to bring my I/C... Luckily my dad's office was just nearby and since it was with him he sent it over. Then stupid SZX last min pangseh but at least she was nice enough to send me all the way there ^^ good luck to the guys taking BTT tmr man. It's really quite impossible to fail since i passed you know.

Today we didn't manage to talk ): And so i feel pretty weird ): But i shall sleep early tonight. I'M SUPER TIRED.

I want a LOMO CAM too !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sponsor??

K i going Mel's house now furzzzzzzzzz (:

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