Friday, June 4, 2010

Because no matter what we do, people will talk about it. They will judge, they will critisize. Even though we may have done no wrong, even though we have a reason behind everything, even though they may be what we call friends, the same thing will still happen. It's not a perfect world and we have to face it.

Nevertheless, it doesn't matter, all these stories, doesn't it? Because in the end, it's only the true and closest friends who will stick by you even for the next 10-20 years whereas the rest will just fade away. And in the end, you know that you've not let yourself down because you did whatever you had to do for a reason, and it doesn't matter whether people understand or not, because they may never understand.

And why should we seek their understanding too when it doesn't even concern them in the first place. Is it about the face, or is it just about the fear of exclusiveness? We lead our own lives, we make our own decisions, and whether or not they are right or wrong, we bear the consequences. What rights do these people have to interfere or even try to brainwash you and your life?

So why are people nowadays so keen for approvals? What happened to following our heart? Why are they so quick to judge and pick out faults and slow to forgive? Why do they like to degrade other people so much? So they can feel better about themselves, or just so to feel superior to others? Why can't they tell you straight in the face that they aren't happy instead of talking behind your back?

This is honestly a very scary world.

I hate to say this but it's really hard to know who you can trust, and who you can't. Only time will tell. I may not be implying anything, just trying to sound intellectual but fail la. But still, i'm really grateful to have all those people in my life whom i can call true friends, because i know that true friends don't judge.

Anyway, simple & nice day today. I suck in tennis rawr rawr rawr hahaha.

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