Friday, May 28, 2010

Life's full of choices. Sometimes you don't necessarily get whatever you want, don't you. And sometimes you have to choose between 2 sides, whether it makes you happy or not. Just like there is no such thing as having the best of both worlds, you have to make a decision at some point, somehow.

Commitment or Passion? How'd you decide?

Giving up your passion for commitments you already have, or forsaking your commitments and risk being labelled irresponsible for a passion you've had prolly since the day you learnt that you could think with your brains? Or acting like a superman and trying to juggle beween both sides and maybe (highly possibly) screwing both sides up which all mean something to you?

Never a week I can live in peace huh.

I've got all the advice I need. I already know the answer in my heart. But I really don't wana give up such a good chance. I'm afraid I'll die with regrets. Okay kidding, but aaaaahhhhh. Dilemna dilemna dilemna !!!! HELP !!!!!

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