Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Manchester Delighted !








Picts from our NUS medical checkup a few weeks ago. Lol. I have to make it a habit to update regularly.


And i just had to post this picture of my Lee Yong Daeeeeeeee.

Okay back from KL yesterday afternoon. The trip was awesome despite being sick. I had fever the night before i went KL and i was super worried but thank God it was almost gone the nxt day. I sounded like a frog though. But it's not important cos i got to see my manchester united live !!!!!!

Man, the feeling was srsly awesome :D :D Seeing them twice in 2 days, train, walk up the pitch, running, kicking the ball and doing all their amazing stuffs... I really couldn't believe my eyes. The atmosphere was awesome too. Like everyone wearing manu jerseys and cheering so loudly. I couldn't believe i was actually looking at the team i've been supporting since primary 3 and would nvr ever dream of seeing them besides on tv in person. But malaysians all traitors one lor. They all wear manu jersey but they cheer for malaysia so loudly when they score. Wlao. Owen rocked for once. Yes. hahahaha. Oh oh i got to see people like Macheda, Fabio, Scholes, Rooney playing! Such an honour :D :D Too bad carrick and fletcher weren't even on the bench. My only biggest regret man-- It's you Carrick. Shizzzz ): Well at least i saw him from the stands with my nicey binoculars. Hehe. He's such a major distraction from the match. And as the final whistle blew, trust me i was super emo. 90 mins passed so quickly in my life for the first time! Final score, 3-2, Manu's win. And that was all for that whole moment i was so eagerly waiting for.

Talk about experience of a life-time. That's got to thrash my experience of being stuck on the mountain in Taiwan last year man.

Anyway one part which i thought was superbly funny was whenever someone in a Chelsea /Arsenal/ Liverpool jersey came to find a seat everyone would so unitedly boo him. Like seriously. Hahaha okay fine it doesn't sound so funny now but the scene right then was really quite hilarious!

And i'm so angry with the indonesian bombers. Why on earth did they wana bomb at that time pls didn't they know manu was coming. KL doesn't deserve to watch manu twice !!! So unfair. And the worst thing was i only knew about it one day before i left and i couldn't watch the second match ): So sad so sad. I was so super duper emo after knowing about it. I hate the so-close-yet-so-far feeling if any of you know what i actually mean !!!! Grr.

Enough of Manu for now. Haha. Oya Fergie damn cute. He looks like a teddy bear in real life !!!!!! Aaaaaahhh.

But besides manu i dont think i have anything else to say besides the horrendous amt of money i spent there. We had free accomodation so my dad allowed me to use the accomodation money as my shopping money which was good! Hee.

Oh and tmr's mine, Suwen and Xiangwei's driving test. I very scared i'll fail lahhhhh. And i think i will. Still, GOOD LUCK TO ALL OF US OKAY., I SRSLY HOPE I PASS AND ALL OF THEM PASS TOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;DDDDDDDDDD

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