Sunday, July 12, 2009

Can't stop praising His name

So many things have happened i dont know how to update anymore. Last week i went for my first rag, sentosa with my girls,wed to fri was CNM camp and fri, sat and sun was CEJ !

Photos from Arts camp's last night (hehe), this is where all the unglamness comes :D I only selected a few random ones anyway, so here goes:





Eew gross fringe. But it's elaine! :D










Pre-camp starts tmr!

And CNM camp was awesomexz. Had aline, kaihui and ewe in the same OG with John as our OGL! It was slack to the max but i had alot of fun prolly cos i could finally run around plus i got to friendly hug angmohs HAHAHA. 2nd night was overnight mahjong after the K session and thanks to yushu i got my da san yuan. HAHAHA. I'll never fail to remind him of that that's for sure :D

Anyway mj was super fun cos we all couldn't stop laughing ;p

I went for driving lesson the next morning with hardly any sleep and i got scolded alot cos i almost ran a red light, crashed into a car blaabla. My instructor told me not to go for lessons anymore if i didn't sleep the previous night but he said i have to tell him 2 days in advance if i wana cancel any lessons. So i'm supposed to know which nights i'm not sleeping? What the nonsense right.

Anyway PT's in 2 weeks i'm super nervous ~~!

CEJ this yr too...... Power lah. I got what i needed on saturday. It was like, God gave me that peace i was really asking for. He eased all my worries and yes God, i knew that was you. I know you touched me that day. It's really amazing don't you think. How he never fails to answer when you call? How he is always there to pick you up when you cry out to him? Miracles happened, right before our very eyes. These 3 services were all blessings for me. Thank you Lord for all this :D

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