Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Dear God,

why is it that i cannot be more patient, especially with my most loved ones? Why is it that i cannot control myself no matter how many times i keep reminding myself to do so? Why is it that despite the so many chances you have given me to show that i can be patient, i fail to do so & each time i end up being more and more angry with myself? Why is i that i start to get unhappy more and more easily as i grow older? Why am i not like last time anymore? And why is it that each time i get upset i cannot help but complain like as if i'll drown if i don't? Why is it that i cant be more gracious and forgiving? Why is it that I used to be very easy going and easily contented in the past but now i find myself getting more and more greedy as the days go by? Why is it that everytime i try to be a better daughter, i end up making small mistakes which make all my efforts seem to go down the drain? Why am i so irritated easily ?!?? WHY ????


security guard: how old are you girl ?
me: 19
security guard: No, i mean, how old are you?
me: 19 !
security guard: HUHHHH ??!

Like literally. The feeling not bad actually. Hahaha. Look young ftw! :D





More from Family day!


And today i went to the library to borrow books to read for the first time with sam & lion in 4-5 years and at my very first attempt to finally borrow books i was greeted by a 50cents fine. But turned out my mum borrowed my ic to borrow the book 2 years ago. Wow. Lucky only 50 cents.


Now I need to let off steamzzz.

[/edit] Oya i forgot to add that NATM2 was awesome ! Hehe. Very lame but very entertaining. Plus it was nice to see Zx and Jw again! Damn long nvr see them already! :D Zx's finally back from her Europe and thank God she didn't catch the swine. HAHAH.

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