Saturday, May 16, 2009

It's not over till it's over

So motivating & inspiring. We all know how much happiness marriage can bring, but i dont think most of us know the right way, the neccessary stuffs we have to do to secure it and make it a lasting and blissful one. Yes yes i'm too young to talk or even think about these things, but afterall it's still a stage everyone of us will have to go through eventually...... As in, all these are also essential even when it comes to dating right ?? Lol.

"i love you too much that i want to share the truth with you"

"Fireproof doesn't mean no fire"... & in this context, i'm talking about marriage.

I mean, relationships aren't just about love & pleasure, it's also about studying your partner(for life, like after the college degree, then the masters and the doctors lol), communicating, giving beyond what you think you can, learning to care & appreciate everything your partner does, & even sticking with your partner for better AND for worst. It's just like salt & pepper !!!

Haha don't know what i mean right salt & pepper. Go watch the show !!!
Definitely one of the best movies i've ever watched in my life. I feel so energized, so inspired now. It brought me hope for some reason =) Not to say touching, i kept tearing. But i bet all the girls did too! Dont bluff !!

"I want whatever that has changed you"

"We might not believe in him, but we know he's a real deal"

& so i headed home there after, thinking.........
there's still hope afterall (:

Sometimes i really think that sorry might be one of the hardest words to say.

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