Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Two days of work over & i hope we get our money asap! Damn damn slack. Slack until we were actually playing that primary school soccer game using pen and paper which is really actually quite fun and other dumb games like BANANA and we made alot of noise but it was very fun. Haha. I'm glad i dont need to to back all the way to woodlands tmr. I hate the red line. But i'm glad i managed to see Elaine! Hehe lets go shopping soon ;D And believe it or not, 19 years of friendship but today is the first time Mel and I went to school together. Nice.

& since today is free cones day, Minli Sam and I headed to Raffles City after that to queue for our free cones hehe. Geraldine came & we queued twice! Eh but not bad. Around 25 mins only. My dad doesn't know what is b&j hahahaha damn funny.


The talks about pri & sec school life these 2 days made me think back alot. Life was sooooo fun, so great then. Primary school life was no life but i didn't know much about having a life then so it doesn't matter. But at least i still had my memorable times and wonderful friends then.

Secondary school life was really a bliss. My studies went pretty well, great friends, a boyfriend back then in fact & everything seemed to fit so perfectly. I guess i never knew how tough and stressful life could actually be until JC......

The point i want to make is. Life has its ups & downs? No rather, there are different seasons in life. I've had my best, and my worst. And to me all these experiences have really made me learn to be satisfied with what i have and appreciate everything now. Somehow i feel like i'm back in my secondary school days, without a worry, hardly with a frown. I feel awesome in fact :D I hope life goes on like this forever & ever! =)

K thats all i wanted to say actually i think. That I feel great? :O :X :/ :B


Anyway. Was pretty much in a good mood until i heard this piece of news. I hope it doesn't actually happen. Otherwise i'd really really be very EMO. Hahahahah. Pls be kinder okay those dua taos pls pls pls pls pretty plzzzzzzzzzz ?

Watch this clip! Nominated as one of the best films award:

Touching video which reminds me of GP lesson last year where i learnt one person dies of poverty every 3 seconds. Sad but this is reality. I must learn to treasure my food more.! Do give the link a click k!

Anddddddddd lastly what i wana say is i received this email from NUS which is actually for all BBA applicants & one part really caught my attention!
Many of us had read the front-page news on Straits Times over the weekend, which
reported that applications to Business programs had dropped. The details
are actually rather better than perceived though.

Here are 3 facts
with regard to both A-level and Poly applicants, in spite of the reported
overall fall in first-choice applicants to

(1) First-choice applicants to our School
from top students increased in percentage this year, let alone in numbers (this
year’s total number of all university applicants increased

(2) First-choice applicants to
our School decreased in numbers overall (notwithstanding (1) above), mostly led
by applicants below our cut-offs. Some are probably discouraged from
applying to us due to our high cut-offs (as shared in the previous email:
highest among local Business schools) being made public, as required by

(3) NUS had already set our cut-offs this
year above last year’s, based on comparison of this year’s application data with
last year’s at this same time point.

Thus, the “lost” applicants
that we do not see are mostly from those who would not normally fit the profile
for our programs anyway.
So er, does this mean i'm already accepted cos they're sending me this email or does it just want to tell me that since the cut-off this year is even higher i totally have no chance of going in? HAHAH. Damn it. Hate this. But it's okay i actually honestly wouldn't mind FASS.

BYE. Back to watch moonlight resonance!

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