Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Haha been very busy recently. I finally have the day off tomorrow besides driving lesson in the morning! Then i need to pack my room terribly. My wardrobe is running of out space for all my clothes and i have this bad habit of just dumping my clothes on my bed after i try on something unsuitable, so it's pretty much a huge heap now. Zh saw the picture today, he knows :O And that should prolly take up my whole day!

Not to mention that i've somehow given myself a right to spend money this week since it's my birthday week! So uh, the cash, is a bit uh, running low. I've spent XXX dollars in 3 days. Geez. I hope MOE quickly approves my application! I've been to the new Tampines1 4 times already in hope of taking a look at the high-profiled Uniqlo, but i haven't managed to step foot in once at all. The queue is just so freaking long and i see so many people having the same OMG reaction when they see the queue too. It's just a Singaporean thing huh.

And why hasn't any universities called me up yet ): ): I'm getting abit worried here... Plus i dont know where i put my NUS pin so i can't check my application status. And i'm hearing of so many people getting calls already! Haha maybe it's just because i was stupid enough to put business as my first choice then only FASS so of course they wouldn't call me up so soon? ): Faster call me pleaseeeeee.

Anyway does anyone know if NUS FASS offers double major? And if they do, is the criteria to qualify for it the same as in NTU? Cos if it doesn't offer or anything, i'm going NTU for sure !!!

And so it's already Wednesday in the blinking of an eye. Last Sat saw my parents and i going to Swiss Hotel for buffet :D Oysters, crayfish plus beautiful scenery was good. Hehe, followed by going to Zx's house for manuuuu :D MACHEDA AGAIN YO. Then Sunday we went to paramount hotel i think for dinner to celebrate Cy's Sister's birthday! And going out with Mel is bad, she sort of tempted me into buying a pair of 50bucks heels. SO SINFUL.

K i'm just ranting cos i want to faster go sleep cos driving's at 10 in the morning tmr and i have to do my sit-ups as pledged to myself cos Mel is always complaining she's fat and i look at myself and i can only go shut up to her. Plus our height difference it really makes me want to kill her. HAHAH. My birthday wish is to grow taller !!!!!! Oh and thanks for all the advanced birthday gifts already! Hehe. Can't wait for Thursday! I wonder which restaurant it shall be :D :D And friday Steamz with Melly! YAYYYYYY.

Oya oya last weekend was Good Friday and Easter Sunday too. As usual the two ZhS came for service. Hot Tomato for lunch with T! Zhiheng's treat! HAHA. Anyway thank you Jesus for dying on the cross for all of us ): I know we dont deserve all of this kindness from you but you were still willing to suffer all the pain on the cross and you love us all the same. I want............. To be a better daughter to you .

Sorry for this wordy post. Pictures in the next post !

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