Sunday, April 19, 2009






Few weeks back when i met up with them at Chomp chomp before going liquid kitchen to chillaxzzz. :D

I need to sleep early tonight cos tmr i have to wake up at 530AM. And there's manu at 1030 meaning i'll only have at most 5 hours of sleep... Sigh. Work tmr @ RP to distribute flyers !! HAHA. Kinda looking forward to it. At least i'm doing it with friends and i think we get instant cash. Hee.

&&& i caught 17 again today! Maybe it's bcos i'm a chick flick fan, but i really liked the show! Zac Efron was hot and the storyline was really cute & funny. Hhaha i'd give it a 9/10 :D If only i could become 15 again... I dont want 17. 17 means i have to go to JC all over again and that was where the nightmares really started. Eewwww.

Righttttttt off now bye! Everyone watch 17 again!

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