Monday, January 19, 2009


Hi it's nearly 3 AM now & i just finished watching wild child online. I liked the film, thought it was pretty good. I'm blogging cos i'm bored & i dont feel like sleeping yet. It's the 19th already, so fasttttttt. 4 more days till the guys are finally out from army. Hahaha but i'll be gone on the 22nd, sad lifezZz. ): Then when i come back they book in again. No fate or what. Today Cy told me they did the crawling thingy which we always see in videos. And apparently their cool fake leaves hat has been changed to some boring plain hat which only covers their head. And today they listened to ghost stories too & yea, he's scared. So funny. Hahahaha. I want to eat popeye's i want to eat popeye's i want to eat popeye's !!! Oh I met Carmen today like after a godzillion years to go walkwalk talkwalk like the walkie talkie she's helping me satisfy my popeye craving tmr yay i love her. Chinatown pawns everywhere too. Best food best buys. Haha haha haha. Then uh, i am finding a job badly. Carmen recommended me this job at the transit hotel in the Airport but the pay's only a miserable 6/hour......... Go there work confirm alot of angmohs to see but that's not the point. Maybe it is. Okay it isn't. Or should i go to the telemarketing job which Xiangwei recommended cos the pay owns the airport one but then it'll be like the epitome of boring. Ok i shall go Malaysia to think about it. Fellowship tmr !!!!! Hehe. The daily prayers with my prayer buddy is working. I really feel different... You know, somehow, somewhere. Today God spoke to me again. He told me not to compromise in prayer. So maybe i should go pray now till i'm sleepy and then go and sleep. Yes that shall be the plan. Oh that night i dreamt God raised my parents from the dead. Haha. Okay Goodnight :D

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