Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Me and Erika wore the same thing without planning yesterday. Hahaha. Random.

Anyway i just have to talk about yeterday's service. School of Scriptures by Pastor Jason Siscoe. And.the.message.was.absoulutely.good.you.have.no.idea.how.inspired.i.felt.after.that. it's amazing how re-filled and spiced up i can get after every sunday especially since the weekdays just totally drains me of every single ounce of energy you have. LTD has passed, 3 months ?? But i still feel it was only yesterday. I'm repeating myself again, but the way God's working through us this year is just awesome :D It's different, it's different.

Suddenly this song which i haven't heard since sec3 appeared on my playlist again--

"I dont care what people will say, I'm running after you.
No matter what may come my way, I'm running after you.
It's you i'm living for today, I'm running after you"

In the past this song was my fav because of it's oh-so-catchy tune and catchy lyrics. But now when i listen to it, i feel like it takes on a whole different meaning. No more my fav because it's such a nice singalong song. Rather, it's a strong declaration of faith (:

And last night Ong stayed over at Tan's house ! Watched some vampire show which was gruesome but i still watched it anyway and today we played tennis with Rachel and the other neighbour! I still dont know his name. HAHA. Seeing them play was da bezz (so hilarious) lucky tennis pro was there. Now i'm thinking of sec3 again when Jolene and I got stuck in the canal while attempting to retreive my dear grey tennis ball HAHAHAHA. Come to think of it, we didn't cry leh. So brave.

FYI: We got stuck in there for 3 whole hours, the sky was turning dark, we were filled with cuts and bruises because of all the stupid algae, phoneless, moneyless, and worst of all, we were too short to climb out of the canal.

Ok, awesome memories. After that Ong and Tan jumped into the pool....... Only to get chased out less than a minute later. So dumb. The security guard as usual luh, act fierce only. What's new with tropicana guards...

Yea study hard play hard ! Airport tmr but i want to go SOS ):

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