Saturday, September 13, 2008

Dare me anything, I'll do it. I bet they thought i was joking when i said i wanted more. Feels kinda weird because it's my first time. Perhaps it was just my mood, my emotions getting the better of me. For the first time that idea felt good. Nothing bad happened at all. But somehow there's just this... ... Funny thing going through me which i can't explain. Maybe it's just the bits and pieces of cumulative disappointments i have, things people around me do. I shan't say anything else. Friends, dont ask anything. Those who know know. And those who know, you know who you are and i really appreciate the advice and concern (: I may be hiding it, but it really takes a true friend to sense the difference. Times like this tell you who's really there. And dont worry, I didn' and won't do anything silly.
Anyway, I'm not emo. The game was really bad though.

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